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Идеи оформления праздника
+7 (916)125-05-12
Москва, Покровка, 4 т.(495)229-44-19




Идеи оформления праздника

 Когда бумажные гирлянды надоели и хочется чего-то яркого и необычного на помощь придут нитки! Можно обвязать мебель, сделать гирлянду из помпонов, придумать  необычные конкурсы и сувениры для больших и маленьких гостей праздника.

DIY: Cadeira customizada... | .( More pictures of yarn-bombed kid's chair...No glue, I guess that's in case you chage your mind!)

Crochet bunting for outdoor parties BUYPay homage to your craft with a downright cascade. | 34 Adorable Things To Do With Leftover Bits Of Yarn 

Awesome Buttons Sculptures You will Love

Мастер-класс для самых маленьких "Повесь шишку")decorate a tree at the park with Yarn wrapped ornaments - (kids) guerilla art by smile and wave

 Cutest tent ideas for making your own for an afternoon, or something to keep up in their room for a super cute reading nook! DIY yarn wrapped branch teepee by Nathalie Miller

They're also great for garlands. | 34 Adorable Things To Do With Leftover Bits Of Yarn

yarn & felt wreath  Make for Mom for Christmas.....

Halloween Wreath Yarn Ball Wreath 14 inch by whimsysworkshop

Cotton-reel wreath

Yarn Pom Pom Cupcake Garland by CupcakeWishesStore on Etsy, $37.50

T-Shirt Yarn Pom-Poms - Martha Stewart Crafts- The thing I love about this craft is how they cut the tee shirt into one huge long strip.  Sure, you can buy her pom-pom maker and make those, but just think of all the other awesome things you could make with the tee shirt yarn!

crochet bunting


Romance by Sue Webb ♥, via Flickr

 Все эти идеи мы можем воплотить для вас! Свяжем все необходимое в нужных цветах и количествах. 

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